What Heather Needs according to google
Go to Google.
Type in "(your name) needs" ~ remember to use quotes.
From the top results, pick 5 different websites that say what you desperately need. It's almost spooky how right on it is ~ here's mine: (SO FUNNY THAT I PICKED 10)
1) "Heather Needs A rest" - from the homesite of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development - I think a rest is a given
2) "Heather Needs Two Therapists" - from some site that apparently thinks I need not one, but TWO Therapists!!
3) "Little Heather needs to be congratulated for defending herself from unkindness" - um Ok!!??? - - didn't know I was so awful to myself
4) "I know that might annoy some conservatives, but Heather needs at least two mommies." - - - what? Isn't one enough?????
5) "Heather needs men....NOW!!" - again, isn't one enough!!???
6) "Dad said that Heather needs to start wearing a brassiere" - well that's wishful thinking!!
7) "Heather needs to stick to her career as a country artist" - Dad told me if I'd ever sing it would be country - then Ahmad told me not to quit my day job.
8)"Heather needs your help in determining how much money she will need for gas" - nope, I can do the math - I need a whole hell of a lot out here in CA!!!!!!
9) "Heather needs to be kept moist" - although I could comment on the sexual innuendo of this one, I think they were referring to the plant!!
10) "Heather needs a life" - well clearly! I'm writing this thing aren't I??
The funny thing is that when I google "Heather Wants" I get
"Heather Wants a New Job" - that's the first thing that comes up - Hiatus here I come!!!
I picked some of the names of my friends and family just to see what came up. See if you made the list.
"Debbie wants to focus on bringing the many different racial
and ethnic groups in her area together to create economic development"
"Scot wants to show the golfing world how much his game has improved
over the past year." - (and I actually googled Scot with one t) - so Dad, has your game improved since you did a whole 18 hole course in one shot?????
I think Seton's and Belden's were the scariest b/c of how accurate they (kinda) are
"Seton wants to build and own a new $200 million facility because of overcrowded conditions at the existing hospital."
and "Seton wants success in the field as much as he wants stability off it"
and also funny "Seton wants to cherry pick this jewel from the city"....hmmmmm????
Belden's said the following: "Oh yea and Belden wants you guys, yes you people, to see if you can tell which one is the true version." (is this a twin reference!!??)
Lisa (frick first, then jordan) - you guys had some interesting ones
"Lisa wants to improve her arabic" - Ahmad will love that!!
but the funny one was instead of the first line being "Lisa wants...blah blah blah" it was just an entire article called "What Lisa Wants" - - kinda like "lisa says"????
"Matt wants his SOAP" - buy Matt some soap!!!!!!
"Kaitlin wants some size 50 panties in black, red and white" - ummm, don't ask, don't tell is all I have to say about that one!!!
"Kate wants to play Wonder Woman" - that couldn't be more accurate!!! :)
"Chrystal wants to wait for the cops to show before any info sharing starts"
"Jackie Wants to be a Jedi" - it also said "Jackie wants to be a star"
Ahmad's said "Ahmad wants to get married" about six times, but then I found "Ahmad wants to play store, but the rest of the group wants to play post office" - why don't you just build an entire city Ahmad!!??
well I'd love it if you guys would search your names if they aren't already here and let me know what you find.
I love it! That's good clean fun. Apparently, I need lots of plywood.
And how creepy is this:
"Dave needs to review the press release that Heather submitted."
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